August 7, 2009



Dinosaurs Make it all Better.

Thank You Sammy for letting me borrow your Bean Bag.

Today didn't start so well. We were going to have another fun day by starting out at the City Museum. The City Museum, for those of you who don't know, is an amazing, eclectic, artistic, chaotic, architectural attraction built throughout an old shoe factory in St. Louis. It is full of places to climb, tunnels, tubes, slides, aquariums, a ferris wheel on the roof, etc. Along with all the excitement and activity does inherently come some danger, as any 600,000 sq. ft. jungle gym would have. Of course nothing would happen to our children. Well, as the pictures show, Maddux unfortunately fractured his tibia (lower leg outer bone) while going down a ten story spiral slide. This slide has bars welded over the top of it to contain the person sliding in the slide. For some reason, Maddux stuck his left leg up while going down and it caught in between a couple of bars and the obvious happened. To leave out any details, it was a long and painful day for all of us, but Maddux really was a trooper through it all. He will be in the full leg cast for approximately 6 weeks, give or take, and will hopefully be back in 4 year old boy form soon. Sadly, his biggest issue it that he doesn't understand all that has happened; he thinks we should just be able to take his cast off and he go on his way. He has also fought some cramps and muscle spasms that have made things a little rough on him. We feel so badly for him, but continue to know that our God is in control of all things, and in all things may we give God the glory. We may be slowed down as a family but not stopped.

After such a long day of x-rays, doctors, and casts, we came home to crash and care for our little man. We were given a "pick me up" when I checked the mail and we had confirmation that Jessica's Birth Certificate had finally come back to us. We still have to pick it up from the post office, but nonetheless it is here and we should be able to have our dossier finally sent of this Thursday. A little good news to end a very bad day.